A "Silk Road" country Financial Services licensed company by the Ministry of Finance for Payment Services Provider, EMI, FX/Brokerage & Cryptocurrencies with accreditation from the National Bank of Kazakhstan.
Properly setup and acknowledged by the regulator to provide financial activities with minimum requirements
Fast turnaround to receive financial services provider inscription plus permission from regulator in 8 weeks
Kazakhstan Financial Licenses & Company Setups
For FOREX / brokerage, payment processing and crypto services. Service international customers, work without regulators' intervention and enjoy a maximum of flexibility -- conduct your business just like in the good old days.
The affordable hybrid setup for a financial company without any capital requirements - and even Nominee involvements possible.
THIS SOLUTION IS AFFECTED BY SANCTIONS IMPOSED TO RUSSIA OR RUSSIAN BANKS - Currently no banking solutions in Kazakhstan available. We recommend to Mix‘n‘Match with a Bulgarian Professional Trustee Setup.
• Kazakhstan is innovative
• Has a safe legal environment with clear hierarchies
• Modernized the banking sector
• Is the most successful Republic after the fall of the Iron Curtain
• Offers attractive incentives to foreign investors
• Does not restrict capital flows in-and outwards for licensed companies
• Is friendly towards US, China, EU and Russia
• Keeps his role as a neutral state between East and West and has become a major trading hub
• Authorities are working digitized, what enables fast, transparent and quick proceedings
• Minimum personal requirements
• Minimum of personal documents required
• Complete remote setup from the distance
• Kazakhstan is a white listed jurisdiction
• Multi purpose use for your company
• Combine different financial activities with one single company and one single permission
• Faster to obtain than any other permission
• Low maintenance and application costs
• Low Nominee Costs (if desired)
Learn More About Kazakhstan Financial Licenses
Kazakhstan has the largest and strongest performing economy in Central Asia. Supported by rising oil output and prices, Kazakhstan's economy grew at an average of 8% per year until 2013, before suffering a slowdown in 2014 and 2015 Kazakhstan was the first former Soviet Republic to repay all of its debt to the International Monetary Fund, 7 years ahead of schedule. Kazakhstan's fiscal situation is stable. The government has continued to follow a conservative fiscal policy by controlling budget spending and accumulating oil revenue savings in its Oil Fund – Samruk-Kazyna.
We're the company behind financial company setups in Kazakhstan
Global Money Consultants S.A. is one of the industry's leaders in the procurement of financial licenses in Offshore Banking, Forex, Asset & Fiduciary Management, Payment Service Providers (PSP) & Electronic Money Institutes (EMIs), Free Zones and other related services.
Our firm has been serving customers from all over the world for more than 30 years. We continue to help clients to overcome the challenges of regulations with resourceful solutions.
Start or increase your business exposure in a regulated offshore, onshore or free zone financial environment and attract new customers with trust building licensing to conduct your business affairs.